Bergen Taylor Hightower

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Mother's Love

A mother's love for her son is pure and special.
It can not be broken or reckon with.
It's a kind of love that softens even the hardest of hearts.
Love between mother and son is strong and visible from the sea.
It brings peace of mind and drys sad tears.
It can bring a man to his knees and make him weep.
A mother's love for her son is not hidden or shy,
but is ever lasting that grows stronger each day.
{Author:  Valerie Dupont}

Every day this little guy makes me proud. He keeps growing up so fast and I always try to hold on to the little things that make me feel so special.
For instance...
When he reaches for my hand to hold when walking,
When he calls me to the bathroom to help dry off and put the smelly good lotion on him,
When he crawls in bed with us when he can't sleep or just wants to snuggle,
When he plays with my hair and gives me pigtails---just because,
When he makes me something crafty and colorful for our pinboard,
When he comes to me for hugs for no reason other than to say "I love you, Mommy".
These are the moments I cherish so much and I will continue to embrace them for as long as I can. I can only hope and pray that he continues to grow strong, loving, smart, open-hearted and giving as he is now.
{dream big, then follow your dreams}

Thanks for stopping by!

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